If you are shopping for new plastic at this very moment, I’m sure you’re tired of being forced to make the choice between Ultem 1000 or Ultem 2300. Let us walk you through a complete comparison and give you one more option to consider: Peek plastic, Ultem 1000, and Ultem 2300.
Ultem 1000, Ultem 2300, and PEEK are industrial-grade thermoplastics often used for engineering and manufactured parts, including FDM 3d printing parts. We’ll be taking a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of Ultem 1000, Ultem 2300 rod and sheet as well as PEEK to help you make an informed decision on which material will best suit your purposes.
Ultem plastic is a grade of engineering thermoplastic. It is often used for industrial parts where high-performance strength and good moisture resistance are needed. In this article, we will look at Keward Ultem 1000 rod and Ultem 2300, two popular grades of Ultem, as well as Peek plastic.
What are the differences between ultem 1000, 2300 and PEEK plastic?
Ultem 1000, 2300 and PEEK are three of the most popular choices for engineering plastics. They are both impact resistant and chemical resistant, but each has its own set of properties.
Which is better, ultem 1000, 2300 or PEEK? There are many different brands of plastics but only a few are considered “industrial grade”. These are ultem 1000, 2300, and Keward PEEK plastic rod. All these plastics have their place in the 3D printing world and depending on your individual situation one might work better for you than another. The biggest difference between these plastics is their temperature resistance. In this article we will examine the properties of each plastic and its unique features. We will also give you some tips on how to use each plastic for maximum efficiency.
Tg (glass transition temperature) – This is a metric used to describe the softening/melt point of any material. The lower the Tg, the lower the temperature at which that material melts. For example; if you were printing with both ABS and PLA plastic and wanted to print something with ABS that would need to be heated up to 240C (464F), then it would be much easier to print with ABS than PLA because it has a much lower Tg of 60-80C (140-176F). The closer a materials Tg is to its melting point, the more likely it will warp when it melts.
Tensile Strength: Ultem 1000 has a tensile strength of over 1,300Mpa at room temperature, while ultem 2300 can have a tensile strength of up to 2,100Mpa. PEEK normally has a tensile strength around 2,000Mpa. This means that ultem 1000 and 2300 will remain strong even when exposed to high temperatures.
Heat resistance: Ultem 1000 has a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 140 degrees Celsius, while ultem 2300 is often able to reach 180 degrees Celsius without losing its mechanical properties. PEEK generally doesn’t have as high of heat resistance as ultem 2300.
Flexibility: Ultem 1000 tends to be more rigid than ultem 2300 or PEEK. It’s also less flexible than ultem 2300 but remains flexible enough to be used in some applications. The flexibility of PEEK isn’t affected by high temperatures or changes in temperature.
In the end, PEEK is stronger and cheaper than both Ultem 1000 and 2300. Of course, it offers some benefits over many other engineering plastics that are not listed in this article. Ultem 1000 offers the best toughness among these three materials, arguably surpassing even some types of metal in certain cases (Given the right situation). That said, if you consider all materials on a case by case basis (considerations such as strength and weight including), PEEK will likely be the superior choice for your application.
There are more differences than there are similarities but the truth is that Ultem 1000, PEEK plastic and Ultem 2300 are all great materials for the job. It really should come down to your project particulars.