Every cash you spend on a water purifier is equivalent to buying gold. Because only purified and clean water would benefit your health. We know how contaminated water is severely dangerous for your health. Hence, choosing the best water purifier is of utmost importance.
But we may get confused about choosing the perfect one from various available options. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind some of the factors before buying one.
Moreover, choosing the perfect one can ensure:
- Total safety from life-threatening waterborne diseases from contaminated water
- Removing bad odor and weird taste from water. Generally, it’s due to chlorine and calcium carbonate
- Killing the germs while keeping the essential vitality of water intact
This article will cover some important points to consider before buying the perfect doctor fresh water purifier.
Types Of Water Contaminants
It’s useful to have a clear understanding of the different types of impurities commonly found in drinking water. After that, we can decide to buy the required water purifier system for our home.
Mainly, the impurities that we find in our drinking water depend on the source and distribution. We have prepared a list of the most common drinking water sources:
- Municipal corporation supply
- Harvested rainwater
- Borewell water
- Groundwater
- Lakes, rivers
There are various levels of impure pollutants like chemical wastes and biological impurities, such as microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and dead algae.
Moreover, there are sediments, slits, hard metals, dust and debris, suspended particles, total dissolved solids, and other harmful impurities.
But all of them depend on the source water.
So here’s a more detailed picture of different sorts of water contaminants:
Suspended Solids Such As Sand, M, And Debris
You can find these contaminants generally in rivers, borewells or piped water, or damaged pipe sources. They can make the drinking water muddy and turbid in appearance
Total Dissolved Solids, Sodium, And Potassium
These contaminants are also dangerous for consumption. The most common water source for these contaminants are borewells and the sea. Moreover, these contaminants raise the salinity of the drinking water.
Dissolved Organic Compounds, Such As Magnesium And Calcium
The most common water sources for these contaminants are, once again, borewells and rivers. These can raise the hardness level of water.
Biological Compounds
Many microorganisms can infest the drinking water. Mostly, in lakes and ponds, you may find these contaminants. They are the reason for the foul smell and bad odor of your drinking water.
Chlorine Like Decontaminants
The most common water source for these contaminants is the municipal piped water supply. They add a bitter taste to your drinking water.
Harmful Biological Impurities Such As Bacteria And Viruses
Generally, damaged pipe sources are one of the main sources of these pollutants. These biological impurities bring waterborne diseases to our health.
Note: Usually, lake and river water will have low TDS compared to borewell and groundwater. Borewell source water may carry a 500ppm level of TDS. Anything above 500ppm is extremely dangerous for our consumption.
Moreover, borewell water may also contain harmful bacteria, chemical impurities like arsenic, lead, etc.
How Would You Identify The Water Type?
Readers probably know that water is classified as soft and hard water. Generally, it depends on the total dissolved solids. Researchers have regarded TDS as the degree of hardness. The TDS of the water is measured in PPM (parts per million).
If your drinking water has a TDS value of anything between 150- 300, then it should be okay for consumption. It is considered soft water. At the same time, water with more than 500 ppm TDS value is unhealthy for consumption.
Using RO And UV Water Purifier
Let’s take a look at different filters of a water purifier. Choosing the best filters is a step towards ensuring perfect health.
#1. RO (Reverse Osmosis)
An RO purifier pushes the water molecules through high pressure and lowers the TDS level. It uses a set of filters, such as pre-filter, RO membrane, and post-filter. The filter applies external pressure and pumps the TDS into the RO chamber. After that, the impure dissolved solids are filtered in the RO membrane.
If the TDS level in water is above 500ppm, using an RO water purifier can be a good option. The water output of the RO water purifier has a shallow level of TDS compared to other filters.
#2. UV Filter
UV water uses ultraviolet rays to purify pollutants. It throws high-intensity UV rays and kills all the bacteria and viruses. Moreover, it changes the chemical compounds of pollutants.
However, UV purifiers cannot remove any suspended particles or dissolved solids. The UV water purifier is recommended for the areas where water has a low level of TDS. Moreover, if the water is contaminated with bacteria and viruses, you can use a UV + UF water purifier.
Ending Note
In the end, a consumer should be aware of the source of water. If the source water contains a high TDS level, using an RO water purifier is a good choice. Otherwise, you can choose to install UV or UV + UF filters. It’s all about your own needs.
In addition, make sure to check the AMC of the manufacturer. A shield needs its own protection. Therefore, always be mindful of calling a professional for regular maintenance of the purifier.