Nowadays there is a heightened motivation that explains many recent advances in the area of osmotic dehydration. Food applications of the osmotic dehydration process provide a potential to apply energy efficient procedures on an industrial scale to produce mildly processed, high quality products. Osmotic dehydration has a tremendous market potential for producing high quality food with different variety.
It can also develop fruit and vegetable ingredients with functional properties. However it is difficult to define a general predictive processing model due to great variability of plant materials (species, cultivar, maturity stage, etc.). In addition there is lack of adequate responses to problems related to the management of the osmotic solutions (reconcentration, reuse, microbial contamination, reutilization, and discharge of the spent solution, etc.), and developing continuous processing equipment.
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Journal of Food Engineering, 73(1), pp. 75-84. Azarpazhooh, Ramaswamy – Osmotic Dehydration Drying of Foods, Vegetables and Fruits 101 Akyol, C., Alpas, H., Bayındırlı, A., 2006, Inactivation of peroxidase and lipoxygenase in carrots, green beans, and green peas by combination of high hydrostatic pressure and mild heat treatment, European Food Research and Technology, 224(2), pp.171-176.
Alvarez, CA, Aguerre, R., Gómez, R., Vidales, S., Alzamora, S.M., Gerschenson, L.N., 1995, Air dehydration of strawberries: Effects of blanching and osmotic pretreatments on the kinetics of moisture transport. Journal of Food Engineering, 25(2), pp. 167-178. Alzamora, S.M., Gerschenson, L.N., Vidales, S.L., Nieto, A., 1996, Structural changes in the minimal processing of fruits.
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Some effects of blanching and sugar impregnation, in Barbosa-Cánovas G, Fito P, Ortega-Rodriguez, E. (Eds.), Food Engineering, Chapman and Hall, New York, NY. pp. 117-139. Azarpazhooh, E., Ramaswamy, H.S., 2010a, Microwave osmotic dehydration of apples under continuous flow medium spray conditions: comparison with other methods, Drying Technology.
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An International Journal, 28(1), pp. 49 – 56. Azarpazhooh, E., Ramaswamy, H.S., 2010b, Evaluation of diffusion and Azuara models for mass transfer kinetics during microwave osmotic dehydration of apples under continuous flow medium spray conditions, Drying Technology: An International Journal, 28(1), pp. 57- 67
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