Whether we like it or not, in this past year we’ve all learned how to deal with the challenges of remote work. Employees have learned how to juggle work, families, and household chores, while managers learned all of that plus how to manage remote teams.
What started as a completely unfamiliar and uncertain situation, slowly transformed into a way of work, and most people won’t be coming back from it.
Most managers quickly realized that remote PC monitoring software can help them deal with some of the most common problems of remote team management, while others are still struggling to keep up. If you belong to the latter group, keep reading and you’ll understand why monitoring software is such a lifesaver.
Team Management and Coordination
Staying on top of each of your employees’ work while they were in the office was hard enough, and remote work just intensified the problem. However, this problem only exists because you aren’t utilizing the power of software.
One expert in Sydney IT F1 Solutions states that a good remote PC monitoring software will have a project management tool integration or will have a project management feature itself, giving you an overview of what people on your team are working on at any given time. You can also check which tasks are done, or still waiting to get started.
It’s an easy way to make sure that no one on your team is overworked, and it’s perfect for making sure that the work is evenly distributed among employees.
Monitoring Daily Activities
Swinging by the desk and simply asking what your team members are working on isn’t an option when you’re working remotely. With remote PC monitoring software, you’ll know exactly what each person on your team is working on, and how they’re contributing to your business goals.
Remote workers are often overlooked by managers because they’re just not physically near them, and by using monitoring software you’ll make sure that all of your employees’ contributions are visible and accounted for.
Working Hours Compliance
All countries have laws and regulations regarding employees’ working hours. Some even require employers to keep the data about their employees’ time and attendance, and they’re subject to government checks.
When the pandemic started, some places even created new regulations surrounding working hours, to make sure that employers aren’t abusing the fact that their workers are at home all the time. And since your team isn’t able to punch-in the old way anymore, you can use the remote PC monitoring software as a clock-in device.
The software will create neat, easy-to-read reports that you can store in case of a check. But, it’s also a great tool to calculate overtime, pay your hourly workers, contractors, etc.
Supporting Your Employees
Most people struggle with asking for help when they need it, and that’s not much different when it comes to your employees.
However, if you’re using a remote PC monitoring software, you can always see if someone is taking too long to finish a task, or if they’re struggling with a specific tool they’re supposed to be using. Once you see this, you’ll have the opportunity to start a conversation with your team members regarding the struggles they’re facing at work.
It’s a great way to determine areas of improvement, establish goals, and find out if your employees need additional training for some of the tasks.
Wrapping Up
Managing remote teams isn’t a walk in the park, but it does get easier in time and with the help of the right tools. As you could see in this article, remote PC monitoring software is one of those tools, so go ahead and start testing.