Today, decorative concrete is quite successfully used in construction practice during the decoration and decoration of premises. After all, it is an excellent alternative to plaster, natural stone and some other coatings that are so often used in construction.
Moreover, with this material, you can perfectly clad walls, create columns, slabs for window sills and floors from it, and make staircases and steps. In some cases, decorative concrete is also used in the manufacture of sidewalk tiles, and it is also often used as conventional concrete.
As you can see, the scope of application of decorative concrete is broad. This type of modern building material has gained immense popularity today due to its excellent performance characteristics and beautiful appearance. So if you are interested in buying decorative concrete for any construction, you can visit this website to buy decorative concrete or hire a professional.
What is decorative concrete?
According to its characteristics, pricing policy and indicators, decorative concrete is much superior to the usual for us asphalt, brick, paving slabs, gypsum and many other building materials.
Essentially, decorative concrete does not require additional maintenance and will serve for many years. It is such a versatile product that it can be used literally everywhere: it is suitable for interior decoration and outdoor use. And the most important thing is its safety for health, as it consists of natural ingredients.
Decorative concrete and its types:
Various coloring pigments are added to decorative concrete for a variety and enhancement of the appearance, which imparts a long-lasting color to achieve the desired result.
All this, in general, allows you to diversify the color palette and achieve various desired shades. And the use of different techniques allows you to give decorative concrete the desired structure, shape, and effect.
Imitation stone:
Diamond processing technologies, acid dyes, and various stencils are used to concrete the stone’s texture. The imitation of the stone turns out to be very believable, which is difficult to distinguish from the original.
In the experienced hands of the builder, decorative concrete takes on the appearance of any natural material: slate, brick, paving stones or even marble.
Coating with a unique structure:
This effect can be achieved by using a coarse aggregate. It can be granite, basalt, limestone, crushed marble, etc. Surfaces are very expressive when using filler in pink, red and grey shades.
Application of decorative concrete
For a long time, decorative (or architectural) concrete has been used in construction practice, successfully replacing the natural stone, gypsum and other types of coatings used in construction.
Decorative concrete can be used for cladding walls or plinths, making columns and pilasters from it. Inside buildings, it is used to construct staircases and steps, floor slabs and window sills. Also, decorative concrete acts as an alternative to paving slabs or ordinary concrete.
Moreover, new technologies by which such coatings are installed create surfaces that convey various coatings’ qualities – up to imitation of weathered wood. This feature is significant when carrying out restoration work when required to recreate materials that have long been out of production.
Advantages of decorative concrete
- Resistance to acids, alkalis, various fats and oil products. This is especially important for industrial enterprises, car parks, gas stations.
- Excellent resistance to bending, abrasion, compression, UV rays and other stress.
- Durability is many times greater than the typical characteristics of asphalt and paving slabs.
- Lack of additives and ingredients harmful to human health.
- Huge selection of colors, shades and textures, allowing you to make any combination and create imitations of almost any material.
- Ability to withstand temperature “imbalances” from +50 to -50 degrees.
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