People always talk about buying the different forms of silver bullion.
But rarely talk about selling bullion.
And of course, unless you’re holding Silver for survival purposes, you are going to convert it back into some other form of currency. You will sell.
When it comes to precious metal assets liquidation, timing the sale for the highest profits is more important than purchasing them at the lowest prices. Your silver bullion plan needs to include their sale and their acquisition too.
When liquidation time comes, it’s important that you do the sorting yourself, if you would like to get the highest prices when you sell silver. Unsorted scrap gets the lowest price from the buyer.
1. Separate Silver Bullion bars/coins and scrap silver. Scrap silvers ideal use is for it to be melted down as well as used for something else. Of course, saving everything of numismatic value to you. If you do not recognize it, you’ll get only bullion melt value, and the buyer will then sell the good ones into a higher paying numismatic market.
Separate the 90 percent silver coins from 100 percent silver bullion or coins.
2. Record the weight of every single sub category you sort out so that you can correctly estimate the value. You will only get paid for the content of the precious metal of what you are selling to the gold buyer. Branded bullion bars will fetch you the highest price, you can get the spot silver price here to calculate your silver portfolios value.
3. Find buyers for the different category of your silver collection. You can check BBB ratings of your final potential customers to establish the one that’s the most trusted source. You do not want to get attached to sending off the valuables and not receive payment for them.
4. Create an action plan to recognize when it is time to sell at the best rate, how much you will sell silver bullion Melbourne at one time to a buyer, what you will sell and how you will manage that sale.
5. Your action plan has to include the reinvestment strategy of the new profits. Part of your plan should be to buy more silver when the market corrects. Be prepared to buy lots more silver, when it falls below its market value and then becomes undervalued again.
6. When you decide to sell silver bullion Melbourne, start executing your plan to liquidate your silver portfolio for the highest price on up days. Spend a day to contact your buyers and make arrangements for shipping to them or visiting them instore.
Better yet, you can see them in person to make a one-on-one transaction, if possible. That way you’ll immediately have money in your hand. It’s far easier for you to back out if their offer is not okay.
7. Separate the returns into the different allocations for reuse of the cash. By using this strategy, then you should have planned to reinvestment of the profits.
You may even put everything back into silver or gold bullion next time. Hopefully, diversified your investment up to this present also.
In our economy now, I would recommend buying hard assets, instead of paper assets. Buy what is on sale at the time. I mean, buy more precious metals.